dog looking out a window at a storm.

Hurricane season can bring serious concerns for the people and pets in the paths of these dangerous storms, which is why the compassionate team at Caring Paws Animal Hospital is here with valuable tips for pet storm safety. 

Pack a Pet Storm Safety Kit

A little advanced preparation will go a long way toward making things less harrowing when taking cover or evacuating your home with your pet. 

Whether you need to shelter in place or head to an evacuation site, your pet will need all the basics of daily living packed into a bag or plastic tub. Remember that your house could lose power or be without running water for a period of time, and there may be stretches when it’s impossible to take your pet outside for potty breaks. 

When packing your pet’s emergency kit, consider all the important items your pet may need:

  • A week’s worth of food and bottled water
  • Puppy pads, litter box/litter, waste disposal bags, paper towels, antibacterial wipes/hand sanitizer
  • Prescription medicines and nutritional supplements
  • Your veterinarian’s contact information 
  • Familiar blanket
  • Favorite toys and treats
  • Leashes or carriers for every pet
  • Pet first aid kit

Proactive Prevention

Get ahead of the storm by scheduling a wellness visit to have your pet microchipped, and be sure to keep your information current with the microchip registry. Collars and tags can get damaged or come off, but microchipping provides pets with a permanent form of identification. You also want to make sure that your pet is up to date on vaccines to protect your pet from possible exposure to infectious diseases in evacuation centers or shelters.  

Have an Escape Plan

Know where to go if you need to evacuate your home. Put together a list of pet-friendly hotels and evacuation centers in safe zones. Also, find animal shelters and boarding facilities that are willing to take in pets during natural disasters.  

Finding Your Pet if You Become Separated

Your pet is safest in your care, but you should plan for the potential to become separated. Consider the possibility that you could be far from home when disaster strikes, or your pet could panic and escape during the commotion. 

Take these steps to improve your chances of reuniting with your pet:

  • As part of your pet storm safety planning, find a neighbor who is willing to get your pet out of your house for you if you are away. 
  • If you find that your pet is not with your neighbor, contact local animal control and rescue organizations.
  • Watch for websites containing information about animals rescued during the hurricane.
  • Have current photos and veterinary records ready to prove ownership to any rescue organization. 

We’re Here to Help

We understand the powerful bond you and your pets share, and we want to help you protect your animal companions when disaster strikes. Contact us for more information about pet storm safety, and visit for more valuable tips on preparing for hurricanes.