Hurricane Preparedness for Pets: Essential Tips from Tampa Bay Veterinarians

The state of Florida is no stranger to hurricanes and the havoc they can wreak. When it comes to hurricane preparedness, having a plan in place can help you know what to do during a storm. We’ve put together this list of essential tips for pets to ensure you know how to help your furry friend if a big storm hits.
When You Have to Go
Many people think that staying home during a hurricane is the best possible option, especially if they have pets they can’t travel with. Because officials recognize that people stay behind for their pets, Tampa Bay shelters are designed to accommodate both pets and people alike.
In the event of a life-threatening hurricane, evacuate to the closest emergency shelter with your pets. Depending on which local shelter you seek, your pet may have to be crated in an area designated for pets. Alternatively, have a few inland options for pet-friendly hotels, or a working list of friends or relatives you can stay with.
Necessary Items
A major component of pet hurricane preparedness is acquiring all the necessary supplies and gear. Pets should have their own crate that they are already accustomed to, complete with cozy bedding, soothing items, and toys.
Be sure to have a collection of bottled water and shelf-stable food, treats, and hygiene supplies that can last a week or more. Any medication should be up to date and stored appropriately.
Other Safety Tips
Pet health is a priority all the time, but is even more so during extreme weather. Any extra layers of protection can add peace of mind to stressful situations, including:
- Pet parasite prevention is critical during hurricane season, especially due to the heightened risk of mosquito-spread heartworm disease.
- Vaccinations play a crucial role in boarding facilities. If your pet has to stay in a shelter during a hurricane they should be current on all their core vaccines.
- Microchips can safely reunite pets and their people during normal weather, and are game changers during hurricane season when separations rise exponentially. If you’ve changed any of your contact information since your pet received their microchip, be sure it gets updated in the national database.
- Crate training is a valuable tool and can help pets feel secure and calm when they are stressed and scared.
- A pet first-aid kit is a valuable part of hurricane preparedness.
- Have copies of your pet’s medical history, vaccination records, prescriptions, and pet insurance policies, if applicable.
Hurricane Safety for Pet Owners
Preparation is key when it comes to keeping your family and pets safe during (and after) a hurricane. With a proactive approach to pet hurricane preparedness, you can achieve safety and security with your pet all year.
At Caring Paws Animal Hospital, we are here to help. Call (813) 723‑7297 to learn more about our services.